
15210143 - Chinois littérature 1

Niveau de dipl?me
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 21
Volume horaire CM 21



Ce cours trace une histoire du cinéma chinois, avec une particulière attention à des problématiques telles que la politique, le développement d’un style ? national ?, les influences des cinématographies étrangères, et les profils des auteurs et acteurs les plus influents.
Le 1er semestre sera consacré à la cinématographie de la chine continentale.


  • Bergeron, Régis, Le Cinéma chinois, 1905-1949, Lausanne, Alfred Eibel, 1977
  • Bergeron, Régis, Le Cinéma chinois, 1984-1997, Aix En Provence, Institut de l’image, 1977
  • Berry, Chris (dir.), Chinese Films in Focus: 25 New Takes, London, BFI Publishing, 2003
  • Berry, Chris (dir.), Perspectives on Chinese Cinema, London, BFI Publishing, 1991
  • Berry, Chris; Lu Feii (dir.), Island On The Edge: Taiwan New Cinema And After, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2005
  • Berry, Chris; Farquhar, Mary, China On Screen. Cinema and Nation, New York, Columbia University Press, 2006
  • Bordwell, David, Planet Hong Kong, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2000
  • Browne, Nick et al. (dir.), New Chinese Cinemas. Forms, Identities, Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994
  • Cahiers du cinéma, Made in China, numéro hors série, 1999
  • Chow, Rey, Primitive Passions: Visuality, Sexuality, Ethnography, and Contemporary Chinese Cinema, New York, University of Columbia Press, 1995
  • Chris, Berry(ed.) Chinese Cinema in Focus: 25 New Focus, BFI, 2008
  • Coppola, Antoine, Le Cinéma asiatique, Harmattan, 2004
  • Davis, Darrel Williams; Chen, Robert Ru-Shou (dir.), Cinema Taiwan. Politics, Popularity and the State of the Arts, London, routledge, 2007
  • Frodon, Jean-Michel (dir.), Hou Hsiao-hsien, Paris, Cahiers du Cinéma, 1999
  • Frodon, Jean-Michel Le Cinéma chinois, Cahiers du cinéma, 2006
  • Gateward, Frances, Zhang Yimou: Interwies, Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, 2001
  • Gombeaud, Adrien (ed.), Dictionnaire de cinéma asiatique, Nouveau Monde, 2008
  • Hong Guo-juin, Taiwan Cinema: A Contested Nation on Screen, Palgrave McMillian, 2011
  • Hu Junbin, Projecting a Nation. Chinese National Cinema Before 1949, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2003
  • Khoo, Olivia et Metzger,Sean, Futures of Chinese Cinema: Technologies and Temporalities in Chinese Screen Cultures, London, Intellect books, 2009
  • Lu Sheldon et Yeh Yueh-yu (ed.), Chinese-Language Cinema: Historiography, Poetics, Politics, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2005
  • Lu Tonglin, Confronting Modernity in the Cinemas of Taiwan and Mainland China, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002
  • Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng (dir.), Transnational Chinese Cinemas : Identity, Nationhood, Gender, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1997
  • Marie Bizais, How Jing Ke planned but failed to assassinate the to-be First Emperor of China: Different Narratives, Different Politics, in Corrado Neri et Florent Villard (ed.), Global Fences, Lyon, IETT, 2011
  • Monde Chinois 17 ? Regards sur le cinéma chinois ?
  • Neri, Corrado et Gormley, Kirstie, Le Cinéma taiwanais : Editions bilingue, Asiexpo, Lyon, 2009
  • Neri, Corrado, “A Time to Live, a Time to Die: A Time to Grow”, in Chris Berry (dir.), Chinese Films in Focus: 25 New Takes, London, BFI Publishing, 2003, pp. 160-166
  • Neri, Corrado, “Past Masters, New Waves: Tsai Ming-liang/Fran?ois Truffaut”, in Transtext(e)s Transcultures, n. 1, 2006, pp. 64-79
  • Neri, Corrado, Ages inquiets : cinémas chinois, une représentation de la jeunesse, Tigre de Papier, 2009
  • Neri, Corrado, Tsai Ming-liang, Venezia, Cafoscarina, 2004
  • Ni Zhen, Memoirs of the Beijing Film Academy: The Genesis of China’s Fifth Generation Filmmakers, Durham, Duke University Press, 2002 ; trans. Chris Berry
  • Pang Laikwan, Building a New China in Cinema. The Chinese Left-Wing Cinema Movement, 1932-1937, Boston, Rowman and Littlefield, 2002
  • Park, Jane Chi Hyun Park, Yellow Future: Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2010
  • Perspectives chinoises, “Les dynamiques identitaires à Taiwan”, in Perspectives chinoises, 2000, n. 57, pp. 44-93
  • Pickowicz, Paul G. ; Zhang Yingjin, From Underground to Indipendent. Alternative Film Culture in Contemporary China, Lanham, Rowman&Littlefield, 2006
  • Prudentino, Luisa, Le regard des ombres, Paris, Blue de Chine, 2003
  • Quiquemelle, Marie-Claire; Passek, Jean-Loup (dir.), Le cinéma chinois, Paris, Centre George Pompidou, 1985
  • Reynaud, Bérénice, Nouvelles Chines, nouveaux cinémas, Paris, Cahiers du cinéma, 1999
  • Silbergeld, Jerome, China Into Film, London, Reaktion Books, 1999
  • Silbergeld, Jerome, Hitchcock with a Chinese Face. Cinematic Doubles, Oedipal Triangles, and China’s Moral Voice, Seattle and London, University of Washington Press, 2004
  • Song Hwee Lim et Ward Julian (ed.), The Chinese Cinema Book, London, BFI, 2011
  • Widmer, Ellen; Wang, David Der-wei, From May Fourth to June Fourth. Fiction and Film in Twentieth-century China, Cambridge (Massachussets) London, Harvard University Press, 1993
  • Yip, June, Envisioning Taiwan. Fiction, Cinema, and the Nation in the Cultural Imaginary, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2004
  • Zhang Yingjin, Chinese National Cinema, New York and London, Routledge, 2004
  • Zhang Yingjin, Screening China. Critical Interventions, Cinematic Reconfigurations, and the Transnational Imaginary in Contemporary Chinese Cinema, Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2002
  • Zhang Yingjin; Xiao Zhiwei, Encyclopaedia of Chinese Film, London New York, Routledge, 1998

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