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La régularisation des actes administratifs. Etude de droit comparé franco-brésilien.
Thèse en cotutelle en Droit public, soutenue le 25 octobre 2019.
The regularisation of administrative acts is part of a global search for legal stability, which calls into question the familiar dialectic between legal certainty and administrative legality. It implies that administrative acts can be retained in the legal system despite their original illegality. Yet the French current legal system is characterised by a striking discrepancy between increasing references to regularisation in positive law, and uncertainty around its usage. On the contrary, regularisation has been embedded in Brazil’s legal architecture for twenty years as a power resting with the administration, which provides us with an example of mature use of this process. In this context, comparative law is both a tool to learn more about regularisation and a means to examine the prospects that could accompany its expansion within the French legal system. This approach allows for a definition of this notion as a corrective process with retroactive effects, enabling administrative acts to be kept in the legal order and legality to be restored. This definition helps to specify the scope of the notion, which then enables us to consider its legal effects. In this respect, building a specific system for the regularisation of administrative acts aims at specifying its legal implications. This system rests on a balance between meeting the objectives pursued by regularisation and limiting some of its negative effects, in particular towards third parties.
Mots-clés : Actes administratifs unilatéraux – Contrats administratifs – Principe de légalité – Principe de sécurité juridique – Stabilisation de l’acte administratif – Rétroactivité – Illégalités – Pragmatisme – Efficacité de l’action publique – Substitution – Administré
Keywords: Unilateral administrative acts – Public service contract - Principal of legality – Principle of Legal certainty – Stabilization of administrative act – Retroactivity – Irregularity – Pragmatism – Efficiency of public action – Substitution – Administered.
Directeur(trice) de thèse : Caroline CHAMARD HEIM
Membres du jury :
- Mme Caroline CHAMARD HEIM, Co-Directrice de thèse, Professeure des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
- M. Fernando MENEZES DE ALMEIDA, Co-Directeur de thèse, Professeur, Université Sao Paulo. Brésil,
- M. Gweltaz EVEILLARD, Professeur des universités, Université Rennes 1,
- M. Jean-Fran?ois LAFAIX, Professeur des universités, Université de Strasbourg,
- M. Fabrice MELLERAY, Professeur des universités, Science Po Bordeaux,
- Mme Nina Beatriz STOCCO RANIERI, Professeure, Université Sao Paulo, Brésil.
Président(e) du jury : Fabrice MELLERAY