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Le consommateur et l'assurance : aspects juridiques
Thèse en Droit mention Droit des affaires soutenue le 10 novembre 2015.
Analysing the link between a subject of law (the consumer) and a technical law area as technical as insurance law is not an easy task. Yet, such a study is necessary in view of the pratical importance of the issue – there are millions of insurance contracts underwritten and thousands of lawsuits – and given the highly topical ? loi Hamon ? adopted on March 17, 2014. Moreover it is a well-known fact that consumer is in a weak position xhen facing insurance and therefore requires protection. But which area of law is best placed to protect him : consumer law or insurance law ? And may conflicts of laws arise ? Indeed consumer law offers an undoubted protection, in particular with regards to consumer information and fight against unfair contracts termes. However, insurance law dit not wait for the advent of consumerism to protect every policy holder and not only consumers. Both laws do not share the same view of insurance consumer nor of the way consumer insurance must be regulated. This thesis hangs on those two majors hinges. It defines not only who are the individuals to be protected but also what is the scope of that protection. In each case, actual and potential conflict of laws are specifically highlighted.
Mots-clés : consommateur – assurance –contrat – protection – contr?le – clause abusive – conflits de droits.
Keywords : consumer – insurance – contract – protection – control – unfair contrat terms – conflict of laws.
Membres du jury :
- Anne PELISSIER, Professeur des universités, Université Montpellier I
- Didier KRAJESKI, Professeur des universités, Université de Toulouse I
- Marc BRUSCHI, Professeur des universités, Université Aix-Marseille
- Francis FRIZON, Professeur des universités, Médiateur de l’assurance, Paris
- Luc MAYAUX, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Marc BRUSCHI
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations
?quipe d'accueil : ?quipe de droit privé