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La protection juridique de la qualité des sols
Thèse en Droit mention Droit de l'environnement soutenue le 1er décembre 2014.
The soil is the upper layer of the earth’s crust, the plan surface that stretches from one horizon to the other. It is the crop lands, the scattering sand, the ground we trample on, the link between men and their territory: garden, region, state. The soils, those fragile and multifunctional ecosystems, provide many ecological services and guarantee the environmental quality. The law contains several conceptions of the notion of soils quality. But, far from constituting a status of protection, this integration ignores, a priori, their environmental qualities. However, the soils are a finite resource and their non-sustainable use leads to their degradation, often irreversible, and to their growing scarcity. Progressively, the law added elements of soils multifonctionality, integrating sustainable practices. This utilitarian approach of soil quality proves to be selective and remains focused on the preservation of a small part of all the ecological services: the ones that men directly need, like food production and ignores the indirect ones like carbon storage. Nevertheless, this approach is complemented by the raising of an objectivist conception of quality, which reveals the propensity of the law to take into account the intrinsic value of soils.
Mots-Clés : sol – qualité – environnement – multifonctionnalité – services écologiques – agriculture – biodiversité – eau – disponibilité – souveraineté – droit de propriété – urbanisme – sols pollués – usage – remise en état – sécurité alimentaire – sécurité du sol – solidarités écologiques – changement climatique
Keywords : soil – quality – environment – multifonctionality – ecological services – agriculture – biodiversity – water – availability – sovereignty – property law – urbanism – soil pollution – use – soil remediation – food safety – soil security – ecological solidarities – climate change.
Membres du jury :
- Sylvie CAUDAL, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Eric NAIM-GESBERT, Professeur, Université Paris XIII
- Philippe YOLKA, Professeur, Université Pierre Mendes France
- Fran?ois COLLART-DUTILLEUL, Professeur, Université de Nantes
- Monsieur Philippe BILLET, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Mon Président du jury :
Mention : Très honorable avec félicitations
Equipe d'accueil : IDE