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KANAAN Mouayad
Les quartiers non-réglementaires de l’agglomération de Damas : entre les projets urbains et les initiatives des habitants
Thèse en Géographie - Aménagement soutenue le 19 novembre 2014.
This dissertation is mainly based on our critical analysis of studies and projects by different consultants (Syrian, European, international) and on our fieldwork in Damascus, capital of Syria. In 2004, nearly 40 % of the population in the urban district of Damascus lived in informal settlements. Therefore, these settlements represent an essential component of urban expansion. Firstly, the dissertation analyzes the phenomenon of informal habitat in Damascus. It explains the land market and the characteristics of illegal settlements in three case studies, two neighborhoods: Assad Al Din and Daf Al Chok and a village: Al Bahdalya. It also shows how the builder performs the different phases of construction. Secondly, the thesis deals with urban policy. It presents the consultants: MAM, Cities Alliance, Al Diwan, who have undertaken studies and projects for the areas mentioned above. Here, the dissertation examines their studies and projects to provide critical, in depth analysis. Thirdly, the dissertation deals with the urban policy as perceived by the citizens. It studies socioeconomic characteristics of the interviewed inhabitants in the areas studied here, residential mobility and their attitudes towards projects and studies proposed to them. Some of interviewed household’s heads think they will be given a house, but many think they will be evicted. That is why the dissertation finally addresses the issue of relocation which is based on our fieldwork in the re-housing suburb of Al Hussainyah.
Mots-Clés : Syrie, agglomération de Damas, politique urbaine, habitat non-réglementaire relogement, marché foncier, logement, municipalité, services, projets urbains, diagnostic, analyse critique, mobilité résidentielle, expropriation, compensation, expulsion.
Keywords : Syria, agglomeration of Damascus , urban policy, informal areas, relocation, land market, housing, municipality, services, issues, urban projects, diagnostics, critical analysis, residential mobility, expropriation, compensation, eviction.
Membres du jury :
- Marcus ZEPF, Professeur, Université Pierre Mendès-France
- Taoufic SOUAMI, Professeur, Université Paris-Est
- Valérie CLERC, Chargée de recherche, Université Paris Diderot
- Fabrice BALANCHE, Ma?tre de conférences HDR, GREMMO - Maison de l’Orient
- Eric VERDEIL, Chargé de recherche au CNRS de Lyon
- Jacques BONNET, Professeur émérite, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Fabrice BALANCHE
Mention : Très honorable
Equipe d'accueil : MAGELLAN Sciences sociales